Here’s a funny experiment. Find yourself a radio, the old fashioned kind that’s not connected to your computer. Turn it on and spin the dial. Where ever it lands leave it and just listen for a few minutes; ten or so should be plenty. Most likely one of two things will happen. Either you’ll quickly enter the candy coated landscape of your childhood, fondly reminiscing about old relationships, better times, and your first sexual experience or (and more likely) you’re going to be madder than hell and ready to smash things to pieces. If the latter is the case then we offer you a sounder solution than trashing your pad. “Women, Wine and Song” the latest effort by San Francisco outfit known as Porn (The Men Of) has enough destructive might packed into 50+ minutes to make up for almost any duration of pop radio exposure.
If you’re familiar with Porn, “The Men of” that is, then you’re aware that they always have guest players on tour and in the recording studio. This time out reunites brain-child Tim Moss (Ritual Device) with longtime pals Billy Anderson (far too many to list) on bass and Dale Crover (Melvins, Nirvana) on drums. Their first recordings in almost three years (though technically the true follow-up to their man’s ruin debut “American Style,”) “Women, Wine and Songs” picks up right where Tim and Co. left off…. Drifting aimlessly in the coldest reaches of space where the stars align in such a way that it almost seems pre-destined that an album could be born of equal parts Black Sabbath, Verve, and Ornette Coleman. Angry fits of rhythm section melt seamlessly into avant-Iommi jazz and back to bone crushing rawk; and that’s just the first track.
The fact is we can’t say enough good things about Porn (or enough bad things about what we hear on the radio) but don’t take our word for it. Here’s what AP said about their last album. “The Men of Porn torture metal. They chop it into pieces, run it through excruciating feedback and drag it through the dirtiest-sounding sludge they can find. They make the kind of noise that can clear a club faster than a dry keg, but for those who appreciate the sonic outer limits, MOP are an act of dark genius.” And that was just an EP.
Now the choice is up to you. You can run scared back to your precious radio la la land (commercials and all) or you can wrap your heads around “Wine, Women and Song.” The choice is simple. And if you don’t pick Porn, then maybe you’re just part of the problem.
Copyright© Small Stone Recordings